In this time, when injustice, oppression, and fear think they have the last word, join us as we gather together to support and to encourage one another in Jesus’ call to be rooted and grounded in love: rich, deep, active and engaged love. It is a call that includes, and I will go so far as to say is particularly essential, when our comfort is challenged for the care, protection, and uplifting of the most vulnerable amongst us.
Holy Discomfort and Profound Hope: Our first virtual gathering is tonight at 7:30 Central! I look forward to seeing you there.
Art credit: "Create" by Melanie Weidner, Art and Wisdom Cards In the midst of the dense darkness that is seeking to infiltrate and to choke out care for neighbor, particularly advocacy and support for the most vulnerable amongst us, this image, "Create," by artist Melanie JS Weidner, supports my staying grounded in the practice of breath prayer. It is breath prayer that roots me in the real presence of Light that shines in the darkness that the darkness cannot overcome. It is breath prayer that enlivens the whole of me --- hands, heart, feet, voice, ears -- intentionally to choose actions of profound love in this moment. Will you join me in this practice of breath and gaze and action? Much love, and gratitude for the Light of Love that shines and acts through you. Julia Art credit: "Patience" by Melanie Weidner, Art and Wisdom Cards Beloveds, As you continue in your practice of noticing when you are holding your breath, and all that surrounds this noticing, I share with you a poem of Danna Faulds' from her book, What's True Here. This is what I have to say to you. Your first and last and only task is to stay open to the divine flow of grace in and through and all around you. It’s everywhere, this grace, from the gifts of nature to your own creative juices running free. Give yourself to this mystery without needing to know outcomes. Risk falling, because you can always get back up. Risk failing, because you can always begin again. Give yourself without restraint into the vast embrace of love that never wanes, even when your attention wanders, even when you lose faith. The way is lit from within no matter if sun and moon are both hidden from view. This divine light shines all the time, your own personal beacon, like a lighthouse flashing in the night. Stay open to the divine flow of grace this day and the next step on your journey will be so obvious you’ll laugh at any former confusion or resistance that held you back. Practice: What do you notice as regards the movement and non-movement of breath in your life, and how does it relate to your experience of the flow of grace? See if you can be specific in a given moment, focusing in on the question, "What's True Here?"
Much Love, Julia Art credit: "Breathe" by Melanie Weidner, Art and Wisdom Cards It struck me today---- a bizarre phenomenon that I have noticed over my years of teaching yoga. To be honest, it holds over the years of my own practice as well. It is this--- When leading a yoga practice, I notice that many students, I’d even say most, particularly in balancing poses, simply stop breathing. In all my years of teaching, I cannot think of a single class where I have not observed this phenomena, even with my endless encouragement and mantra throughout the practice, "Breathe." Without the moving breath, I notice how the practice of many students freezes and tightens, it becomes a practice of intensity without the grace of spaciousness, "hardening" on many levels. But when students breathe----- Wow!!! What emerges is a deep fullness and fluidity that bubbles up in the whole of their being, whether they are holding a shape in stillness, or even when they "fall out." Over time we even begin to giggle when we fall out in our practice. Hahahaha! We laugh together, reground, and begin again. Oh it is so refreshing and glorious. Grace upon grace right in the very core of our being and in our sharing of that experience. Practice: Notice this week when you have stopped breathing. Notice without harshness, without judgmentalism. Just notice with curiosity and great compassion. What does this not breathing feel like?............ Then release into the inbreath……. Does anything change or shift?...... How does this relate to anything? I look forward to sharing our noticings and our wonderings with one another. With much love, Julia Breathing Space, I have learned, is the womb of life’s sacred journey. Filled with the creative heartbeat of God, Breathing Space is the key to justice and compassion, truth and unity, healing and great love.
This is a learning, a pearl of great price, a dripping of the honeycomb, that has emerged in the course of my life, now fifty plus years in the making. Will you join me in this exploration? Each week we will explore an aspect of the depth of Breathing Space and a simple practice to support our exploration. Posts will be made each Thursday morning here on the Incarnational Grace website, and shared on Facebook. I would love to invite you into a conversation and a journey. If you would like, you can leave comments here below each post, or comment on Facebook. I look forward to engaging with one another on this transformative journey. Love, Julia |
AuthorThe Rev. Julia G. Rusling, founder ArchivesCategories |